Compost tea extracts help bring soil back to life!
Compost tea extracts can be delivered to the soil via *irrigation systems.
They can also be used as foliar sprays, or poured it into the base of the plant to get the biology down into the roots.
*Make sure the nozzle size is sufficient to allow the larger fungal hyphae and beneficial nematodes to get through the system without being crushed.
Unlike other products, compost extracts can’t be overdone.
Compost Extract vs. Actively Aerated Compost Teas (AACTs)
Because of the shorter brewing time, some people believe that Compost Extracts are the superior amendment for your soil. There are studies showing that extracts are just as beneficial as teas in their ability to improve soil health and both result in healthier, more vibrant plants. ONE MAJOR DRAWBACK of using AACTs is that they can go bad if the solution sits too long and/or if the microbes lack sufficient oxygen.
If you are more concerned with shorter brew times, more diverse microbes and longer shelf life, Compost Extracts should be your preference.