New Phone Number

We’ve got a new phone number!
To reach us, please call 505-470-8197.

Our old phone number will be in service until the end of September. After that, you will only be able to reach us at our new number.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause, and we appreciate your understanding.

Sold Out!

We are sold out of both bulk compost and worm castings!

But don’t fret, we do have more compost curing and it shouldn’t take much longer before it’ll be ready for sale.  Contact us via phone, text, email, or chat box – to find out when we hope our most recent batch of curing compost will be ready for sale.

And if you want to secure your portion, make sure to contact us soon and place a deposit on your share!

Have a happy Spring! 

Buying Compost during Winter

Hi folks!  I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that we are open during the winter, and that we have compost available for sale.  Please do understand, however, that there will likely be days we will not be able to make sales – like snow days and when temperatures drop below freezing.

Freezing temperatures can in fact freeze the outer layers of our piles, making it difficult to break into (if thick enough) and/or measure properly during the loading.  Please keep in mind that once the outer layers freeze, they can stay frozen for a few days even after temperatures have warmed up outside.

Rest assured, however, these frozen outer layers
do not affect the quality of our compost.  In fact, they help to maintain our high quality standards.  Functioning as an insulator for the rest of the piles, these frozen outer layers help keep internal temperatures stable, as well as reduce water evaporation  –  keeping our piles warmer and properly hydrated, so that healthy microbiology can survive.

That all said, we really do encourage folks to wait until Spring to purchase compost, if at all possible.  We understand that demand is high, and that you want to get your hands on our amazing compost before we sell out.  But, keep in mind that, unless you are planting and growing indoors, the microbiology in the compost that we work so hard to provide you with, becomes increasingly threatened by those same temperatures that freeze the outer layers of our piles.  You will most certainly still have the benefits of adding organic matter to your New Mexico soil, but you will miss out on the many other benefits of having the biology there to feed and protect your plants when you need them to.

Change Is Coming In 2021

Due to the increase in demand and our product’s limited availability, we have come to the conclusion that change is inevitable.  


The Price of our Bulk Unsifted Compost will change.

The truth is that we have underpriced ourselves so severely that, as a consequence, we are selling out too quickly, and too frequently to survive as a business.  We simply aren’t making a profit.  In fact we aren’t anywhere near covering our production costs.

There are only two ways to fix this problem:
(a) we increase production, or (b) we increase our prices.

The first option presents us with a problem we can’t actually resolve.  Our space is extremely limited, and there is simply no way to expand (a constant that is unlikely to ever change), which means that raising the price of our bulk unsifted compost is the best solution.

We hope that this change will help us achieve two goals:
(1) cover our expenses, and (2) allow us to finally make a profit (which we haven’t been making).  We also hope this price increase will help to discourage the buyers that care little about quality and are simply shopping for the cheapest compost.  Because, let’s face it, until January 1st, 2021 comes around, we will be the cheapest compost in town!  Admittedly, however, this is to our biggest disservice.  In our efforts to ‘compete’ with the big producers (by offering the lowest price), we ended up hurting our business’ livelihood.

When it comes to volume we will never be able to outcompete any of the other (much) larger composting sites in the Santa Fe and Rio Arriba counties.  What we can do is out-best them.  Our faithful customers agree, our compost IS the best!  This is, after all, why we sell out so frequently, and so quickly, time and time again.  

We haven’t quite established what our new prices will be, but do know that they will change by the first of the new year (2021).  At the moment, only the price of our bulk unsifted compost will change.  The prices for our other products will stay the same.

Open for Business! COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 has us all on high alert and taking extra safety measures, however, I’m happy to report that we are still open for business!

All sales are by appointment only.  Please make sure to call us before you head over! 

We are doing our best to limit person to person exposure, and are therefore only scheduling a small number of sales per day (and those will be set far apart from each other).  We are also asking our customers to come alone whenever possible.  If you need to bring a helper, we understand, just remember to practice social distancing (at least 6 feet apart) at all times.

Thank you so much for understanding, and your cooperation.

Stay safe!  Stay healthy!